
Thursday, May 12, 2016

United Nations Pressures Ireland to Legalize Abortion and Stop Protecting Unborn Children


By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

Pro-life nations are under intense international pressure to stop protecting unborn babies and legalize abortion. On Wednesday, pro-abortion countries at the United Nations pushed Ireland to legalize abortion on demand, according to the Irish Times.

At least 14 countries represented at the UN meeting demanded to know why Ireland has not legalized abortion yet, according to the report. Currently, abortion is illegal in Ireland except when the mother’s life is in danger.

Here is more from the Irish Times:

While six states – including Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden – had lodged advance questions on access to abortion services, the issue was raised by many more states at the session in Geneva, including Canada, France, the U.S., Lithuania, Macedonia, Switzerland, the Republic of Korea and Iceland.

Slovenia recommended Ireland “decriminalise abortion in all circumstances and, as a minimum, ensure access to safe abortion also in cases of rape, incest, serious risk to the health of the mother or fatal foetal abnormality”.

[Irish Minister for Justice Frances] Fitzgerald, who arrived about two hours into the three-and-a-half-hour session – having been delayed by Government business in Dublin – described abortion as a “live issue” in Ireland and one where “respect” for all views was necessary.

“Recent public debate has concentrated on extending the law on abortion to cover cases of fatal foetal abnormalities, or cases where a woman is pregnant as a result of rape, to a broader legal regime that allows abortion where the health of a woman is of concern.

“None of the above measures is possible under the current regulation of constitutional and statute law,” she said, and outlined plans for a Constitutional Convention to meet and make recommendation on the issue.

LifeNews writer Cora Sherlock predicted that the UN would continue badgering Ireland to legalize abortion during its meeting in Geneva this week:

Story continues:

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