
Monday, June 20, 2016

An Assembly to Say Which Children Can Live and Which Can be Killed

Ireland's Prime Minister Enda Kenny
Ireland’s Prime Minister Enda Kenny

By Niamh Ui Bhriain
National Right to Life

Editor’s note: Enda Kenny is Ireland’s Prime Minister. The Taoisearch is Ireland’s parliament. The Eighth Amendment to the Irish Constitution “acknowledges the right to life of the unborn and, with due regard to the equal right to life of the mother, guarantees in its laws to respect, and, as far as practicable, by its laws to defend and vindicate that right.” Niamh Uí Bhriain is spokeswoman for Life Institute.

Enda Kenny’s government is rushing to put abortion on the political agenda, despite the fact that the hysteria about the 8th Amendment is entirely media-driven and only important to abortion campaigners and their wealthy and powerful international backers.

The electorate rejected Labour and their abortion-obsession in the February election, and an RTÉ exit poll showed that abortion was a priority for less than 2% of voters.

Despite that, a Taoiseach has said that abortion will be the first thing on the agenda for a Citizens’ Assembly, as if dressing up this charade as a democratic exercise can hide the real intention behind this abortion push.

The right to life is recognised by Article 40.3.3 – that right cannot be granted or taken away, is it an inherent and inalienable right belonging to every one of us. Enda Kenny cannot take it from me, nor I from him. Neither can any convention take away that right from a preborn child.

Yet, we still have this notion of an assembly deciding which children can live and which can be killed with legal impunity.


It’s reminiscent of the Coliseum, a collection of politically-appointed citizens giving the thumbs up or down to innocent children, depending on the categories they deem fit to be deserving of life.

So if you’re a severely disabled preborn baby, politicos like Leo Varadkar are pushing for you to get the thumbs down.

Or if your mother has a drug addiction or lives in poverty, left-wing politicians are insisting you are better off dead, since it seems that socialism is now more about exterminating the poor than eliminating poverty.

Story continues here

Blogger's note:  After posting this story and many others about the immoral laws passed to kill pre-born babies, it is frightening to see the evil that has taken over "civilized nations".  As pointed out in this article, we are no different than the Romans, as they arbitrarily decided who should live and who should die by a thumbs up or thumbs down. The Romans were pagans who worshipped false gods and their demise was due to their immorality. We are a nation that has turned its back on Judeo-Christian principles and exchanged them for the ungodly decadence of the Romans.  

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