
Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Are Contraceptives and Abortion Protecting or Damaging Women’s Health?

by Angelaodah

I wrote this article three years ago but the facts highlighted herein, are still very relevant information for today.
Women need to Know the Facts and make an informed choice. It may be inconvenient to know the truth but only the truth can set us free! !!

The third International Conference on Family Planning ICFP organized by the Gate Institute was held from the 12th -15th November 2013.It was co-hosted by the Bill and Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health at John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and the Federal Ministry of Health of Ethiopia with a multitude of international and national partners. In 2009, the first conference was held in Kampala, Uganda and convened more than 1,300 participants around this topic for the first time in twenty years and influenced change for family planning policies in Uganda. The second held in 2011 in Dakar Senegal and had over 2,200 participants and highlighted family planning issues in francophone Africa.

Ethiopia was selected for the third international Conference because of the country’s strong commitment to family planning and the “successes” in increasing access to family planning.
The theme for 2013 was Full Access, Full Choice. An audience of 3,000-4,000 participants in attendance. Since the first Conference on Family Planning in 2009 the issue has gained a lot of momentum. The London Summit on Family Planning took place on July 11 2012 and 69 countries made commitments to family planning.

Many countries have held their own family planning symposiums to develop strategies to achieve commitments made during the London Summit. The ICFP provided a platform to highlight successes that have been achieved in family planning around the world as well as hurdles that still need to be addressed.

The real questions Africans and Nigerians in particular should be asking is Full Access to what ? Full Choice for what? Is full access and full choice to contraception and abortion the most fundamental development need and priority for Africans especially girls and women post 2015?

About SistasKonnectforlife

I’m Angela, a cradle Catholic, a wife and mother of young adults, teenagers and two vivacious babies aged four and one year plus. I live in Abuja. Nigeria. In my early 40s. A political, women’s rights activist. A prolife feminist, a poet and a writer. To cap it all up: my hands are full but I’m no superwoman and don’t aspire to be one. I just take each day at a time. Hold my head up and walk tall.

I’m sure some friends going through my Facebook posts, would have wondered, what really is going on with this lady? Why is she so stuck on contraceptives and abortion? Relax, I’m not insane, nor depressed. 

But as the saying goes once bitten twice shy. Another saying : hell knows no fury like a woman scorned is appropriate for my situation. You see, I suffered for about five years in the hands of multiple contraceptives. Like alot of women, I fell for the lies of Planned Parenthood Federation of Nigeria, that contraceptives where the key to planning my family and living a healthy and happy life style.  For more information, please use this link. 


  1. Hello:

    THank you for this prolife article that clearly shows that abortion and abortive devices are harmful to women. I found this posted in the Facebook group Voices for the Unborn. I have a new website that I invite you to visit and subscribe to when you get a chance:

    1. I really like your website, Lisa. Would like to promote it here on the blog.
