
Sunday, June 5, 2016

Chilling Evidence Shows Planned Parenthood Selling Body Parts: “How’s the Pancreas Forecast Today?”


By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

A new batch of evidence from the Congressional panel investigating Planned Parenthood reveals some disturbing exchanges between the buyers and sellers of aborted baby body parts.

Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn, who chairs the Select Panel on Infant Lives, sent the evidence to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services this week along with a letter asking HHS to investigate possible violations by Planned Parenthood and the organ harvesting company StemExpress.

The newly uncovered evidence points to multiple potential violations of federal laws based on emails between the companies, invoices, contracts for the aborted babies’ body parts and other documents.

Some of the email exchanges are gruesome in nature. In one correspondence, an individual asks, “How is the pancreas forecast today – any possible procurements?”


Others involve individuals who want aborted babies’ skulls, brains and limbs. One read, “i also wanted to put in another order of 4 normal fetal brains … please send me a quote for the same.”
Here’s more from The Federalist:

This email raises questions about whether Planned Parenthood illegally altered abortion procedures to fulfill the orders for organs. Rather than performing abortions and then sending StemExpress whatever organs they happened to obtain, it seems the abortion clinics were under pressure to meet expectations. In the past, Planned Parenthood abortionists have admitted on camera to altering abortions in order to get the maximum number of organs from the infants.

Another document shows a list of bonus payments that StemExpress employees received for “specimens.” The list shows bonuses of up to $75 per specimen for hearts, brains and lungs and up to $35 for kidneys, tongues and ears.
StemExpress employees also had access to patients’ private medical records, potentially a violation of HIPPA.

In a letter to HHS, Blackburn wrote:

The Panel’s investigation uncovered a series of business contracts between StemExpress, a tissue procurement business, and several abortion clinics. These contracts included provisions for the payment of fees by StemExpress to the abortion clinic for fetal tissue and maternal blood. StemExpress then resold the fetal tissue and blood to researchers.

Life News report continues here

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