
Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Demand a Vote to Protect Conscience Rights!

from Honorable Marilyn Musgrave
Vice President of Government Affairs
Susan B. Anthony List

Despite being in the final months of his presidency, Barack Obama’s assault on the unborn and our conscience rights continues.

Just last week, instead of following the Congressional intent of the pro-life law known as the Weldon Amendment, the Obama administration reinterpreted the law to support the abortion industry.

Now, instead of intervening to protect churches, hospitals, and religious employers, the Obama administration approved of California’s efforts to force these entities to pay for elective abortions in their healthcare plans.

The Conscience Protection Act (H.R. 4838), is sponsored by Congressman John Fleming (R-LA), a longtime champion of the unborn and a doctor himself. The effort is being led in the upper chamber by Senator James Lankford (R-OK), an incredible pro-life advocate who directed the country’s largest Christian camp prior to serving in Congress.

This bill would make permanent the Hyde-Weldon Amendment, which prohibits federal, state, and local governments from discriminating against health care providers, including hospitals, doctors, and nurses, that refuse to provide, perform, or refer for abortions. In addition, the bill would give victims of abortion discrimination the ability to seek relief in the courts.

It’s important to know that this is more than just forcing organizations to pay for abortions. In New Jersey, 12 nurses were told they had to assist in performing an abortion or they would risk losing their jobs.

There just isn’t proper protection of conscience rights for pro-life healthcare workers, and it’s important that Congress takes immediate action to fight back against Obama’s assault.

Take action: The most pro-life Congress ever elected in 2014 must fulfill its mandate to defend life and to protect the rights of conscience for all Americans.  


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