
Monday, June 27, 2016

Hillary Clinton Applauds Supreme Court Rejecting Pro-Life Law: “Abortion Should be a Right”


By Steven Ertelt
Life News

Hillary Clinton wasted no time on Monday applauding the Supreme Court decision striking down a Texas pro-life law responsible for saving thousands of babies from abortion. She hailed the decision as a “victory” and saying “abortion should be a right.”

Here are the tweets Clinton posted immediately upon the high court’s ruling The -H after the tweets is supposed to denote that Clinton write the tweet herself as opposed to having a staffer post it.

SCOTUS's decision is a victory for women in Texas and across America. Safe abortion should be a right—not just on paper, but in reality. -H
SCOTUS's decision is a victory for women in Texas and across America. Safe abortion should be a right—not just on paper, but in reality. -H
This fight isn't over: The next president has to protect women's health. Women won't be "punished" for exercising their basic rights. -H

Earlier this month, Clinton told the abortion activists at Planned Parenthood that she would “always have your back.”

“I have been proud to stand with Planned parenthood for a long time and, as president, I will always have your back,” Hillary said. “We need to protect Planned Parenthood from partisan attacks.”

1 comment:

  1. This is the woman who wants to be our next president. What about the rights of the babies Hillary? God help us and please Lord, don't let her win or steal the election! 
