
Saturday, June 4, 2016

Hispanic Leader Calls for All Christians to End Support of Planned Parenthood

From American Life League's
Wednesday STOPP Report 

Reverend Samuel Rodriguez is the president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference. The NHCLC is the nation’s largest Hispanic Christian organization representing millions of Evangelicals and more than 40,000 U.S. churches.

In a recent interview on The Church Boys podcast, Rev. Rodriguez stated that it is unjustifiable for any follower of Jesus to support a candidate—Republican or Democrat—who backs Planned Parenthood.

Pastor Rodriguez explained during the program that he is pro-life “from conception to natural death,” said that he considers pro-life as his “number one advocacy platform.”


American Life League is the oldest grassroots pro-life organization in the country, focused on education and advocacy, and is part of a coalition of more than 50 organizations and activists asked to help promote and recruit signers for the above petition. All names will be combined and shared with the Center for Medical Progress for maximum impact with Congress.

American Life League's vision is of a society in which EVERY human being's life is treated with dignity and love from the moment of creation until death. ALL and its donors invest in real results and efficient use of donations. ALL and its STOPP program help to actually close dozens of PP facilities every year by guiding local, grassroots efforts to defeat PP with prayer and protest. Over 40,000 preborn babies' lives are saved every year through these efforts! ALL's Culture of Life Studies Program teaches the value of all human life and inspires a new generation of young people who will defend preborn children, respect all human life from creation to death, and speak the truth with confidence in defense of the innocent. ALL's excellence in analysis and commentary, education, and outreach have converted generations of Americans since 1979.


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