
Sunday, June 26, 2016

Join the Largest Nationwide Pro-life Mobilization in American History

Shawn Carney
President, 40 Days for Life

Record numbers of people, in cities from coast to coast, are ramping up for this fall's UNITED 40 Days for Life campaign ... which is on track to be the largest nationwide pro-life mobilization in American history!

David Bereit, Steve Karlen, and I just shot a 3-minute video about UNITED -- explaining the ambitious goals for this history-making initiative, how we're launching a massive tour to visit all 50 states during the 40 days, and how to ensure your city takes part. View this video below or on YouTube using this link.  

If there's an abortion business where you live, the time is right to join the UNITED 40 Days for Life campaign. The deadline to apply to lead a local campaign is this coming Tuesday, June 28, at midnight.

UNITED is the opportunity we've all been waiting for ... to join hands from sea to shining sea ... to pray, fast, and stand together for life ... and ensure a bright future for our beloved America.

America is at a crossroads, and the second half of 2016 provides an unprecedented opportunity to accelerate the END of abortion. That's why record numbers of people are joining together for the "UNITED" 40 Days for Life campaign — happening from September 28th through November 6th.

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