
Sunday, June 5, 2016

Men, Abortion, and Cowardice: Living with Abortion


"Many men I know, good men, respectable men, have a child somewhere they do not acknowledge, support, or have anything to do with, but at least those children are alive."  William Gensert, "Living With Abortion"

By Dave Andrusko
National Right to Life

Editor’s note. Father’s Day is June 19. Over the next two weeks I’ll be running some new stories, some older stories about one of the most neglected subject areas in the entire abortion debate: a father’s role and responsibility.

I do not know William Gensert or anything about him. I just know that several friends forwarded me a link to a story he posted on The American Thinker headlined, “Living With Abortion.”

Just as there is no “typical” post-abortion story from the woman’s perspective, so, too, do the accounts of men involved in abortions follow no set script. For example, in Gensert’s case, he laments that he paid for two abortions for young women–he was not the father of either baby–and is still wounded by the decision of his then-fiancĂ© (with whom he was “desperately in love”) to abort their child.

I do not know if this is the first time he’s written publicly about his involvement in abortions. But if it is, you might easily surmise that the catalyst was the undercover videos released by the Center for Medical Progress in which Planned Parenthood officials are shown for whom they are. He begins with an allusion to Dr. Deborah Nucatola, senior medical director for Planned Parenthood, shown in the first CMP video.

National Right to Life story continues

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