
Thursday, June 30, 2016

NJ Senate and Assembly Vote to Send Your Hard Earned tax Dollars to Planned Parenthood!

Marie Tasy, Executive Director
New Jersey Right to Life

On June 27, both the Senate and Assembly voted in favor of A3492/S2277 and A1963/S1017 to use your hard earned tax dollars to fund Planned Parenthood.

Click here to see how your State Senator and two Assembly members voted, then please take the action listed below:

Action Needed:
1. If your legislators voted in favor of these bills,call them to express your outrage and tell them you expect them to vote No on any attempt to override a veto. Don't forget to thank your legislators if they voted No on these bills. If possible, please post messages on your legislators' social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook.
2. Please call and email Governor Christie at 609-292-6000 and thank him for vetoing these bills in the past and urge him to do so again.

You can send a prewritten email message to the Governor from this link on the Legislation page of our website HERE  It’s the third item on the page. Thank you.

Background of legislation:

On Thursday, June 23rd, 2016, NJ Assembly Dems continually tried to censor the truth about Planned Parenthood. This occurred when I attempted to testify before the Assembly budget committee to tell them why Planned Parenthood should not be funded by taxpayers. I was repeatedly and rudely shouted at and gaveled down by the Chair, Asm. Gary Schaer, and only given about 1 minute and a half to provide remarks while PP officials were allowed to provide testimony uninterrupted and were even praised and thanked by the Chair. Our comments did not make it into the News coverage even though our written remarks were provided to the press.

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