
Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Oklahoma Governor Signs Bill to Teach People “Abortion Kills a Living Human Being”


By Steven Ertelt
Life News

The governor of Oklahoma has signed a pro-life bill into that that will teach the public, and students, that “abortion kills a living human being.” The notion is easily provable given the inordinate amount of scientific evidence, ultrasound imaging and comments from top scientists about the humanity of unborn children.

Here’s more on the new law Governor Mary Fallin signed on Monday, the Humanity of the Unborn Child Act, which requires the state health department to launch a new educational campaign:

The act, authored by Republican Rep. Ann Coody, authorizes the health department to develop a public information campaign about the developmental stages of a fetus and alternatives to abortion. It also authorizes an optional instructional program for students.

However, the bill’s message clearly states that any information distributed to the public “shall clearly and consistently teach that abortion kills a living human being.”

The bill also states that information should be available for prenatal health care, but “no program or state employee may refer any student to a medical facility or any provider for the performance of an abortion.”

A previous LfieNews article compiled 41 quotes from medical textbooks showing human life begins at conception. Below is a sample of them:

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