
Thursday, June 30, 2016

Pat Robertson: God Will Punish America For Abortion Rights Decision

By Brian Tashman
Right Wing Watch

Pat Robertson reacted today to the “terrible” Supreme Court ruling striking down parts of a Texas anti-abortion law by declaring that America will face divine judgment for allowing abortion to be legal.

Watch the video below or view on Youtube using this link.

We have slaughtered over 55 million unborn babies in this country and we’re going to pay a terrible price as a nation for allowing that. And when it’s sanctioned and approved of by the highest court in the land, then we all stand responsible for it and we will pay, all of us, as a nation, because the Supreme Court and the president and the leaders of our country said that’s what they want.

And those unborn babies are crying out, their blood will cry out against us as a nation and one of these days what’s going to be happen is going to be horrible.

So, this is the law, you can talk about the law, it’s legal to have an abortion, Roe v. Wade, and so forth. But what is happening is the slaughter of the unborn is exceeding in America the slaughter in any nation I am aware of in the history of mankind.


Blogger's remark: The warning from Pat Robertson is accurate.  God says: "Woe to those who call good evil and evil good, who put darkness for light and light for darkness." Isaiah 5:20.

According to Planned Parenthood, abortion rights are good and those who uphold life are evil. Abortion is pre-meditated murder of the most helpless among us, unborn babies. Those who continue to call abortion good have been forewarned by God.  

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