
Friday, June 17, 2016

Report on the June 7 Pro-Life Rally in Harrisburg, PA

from Mike McMonagle, President
Pro-Life Coalition of Pennsylvania

Approximately 250 people from across Pa. participated in this Rally. We heard highly inspiring and instructional messages from all of our speakers. They included:

  • Rev. Paul Schenck - Director of the Harrisburg Diocese's Respect Life Office
  • Pastor Bill Devlin - veteran leader in the pro-life movement and international human rights activist

State Legislators
  • Representative Kathy Rapp -  (R. PA 65) - Prime sponsor of  H.B. 1948 ( A Ban on Dismemberment Abortions) and Pro-Life Caucus Chair - Warren County
  • Representative Paul Schemel - Lancaster County
  • Senator John Eichelberger - Blair County

  • Dr. Monique Ruberu -  the only Ob/Gyn trained in NaPro Technology in the Philadelphia area
  • Dr. Antone Raymundo - Medical Consultant and Wharton MBA - Chester County

Pro-Life Advocates 
  • Pro-Life and Disabilities Rights Advocate, Kurt Kondrich
  • Former Representative Steve Freind, who remains our nation's most successful pro-life State Legislator

I have maintained some regular contact with Steve since he left the Pa. House of Representatives in 1992. However, many of the pro-life citizens at this Rally had not. So, a highlight of this Rally for me was receiving numerous positive comments about the encouragement they received from hearing Steve speak again. 
 Steve made a jocular reference to his age (i.e., "Growing old beats the alternative."). Nevertheless, the years seemed to melt away as Steve once again advocated in our State Capitol on behalf of the sanctity of all human life.

So, thank you to everyone who participated in this Rally;

- to all of our speakers and the other legislators who attended this Rally, who included Bryan Barbin, Lynda Culver, Matt Gabler, Mark Gillen, Seth Grove, Kristen Hill, Rich Irvin, John McGinnis, Daryl Metcalfe, Brett Miller, Tom Quigley, Rich Saccone and David Zimmerman;

-to Aimee Miller, the Director of Life Matters in Pittsburgh, for serving as our Emcee;

- to the other leaders of our organization and our affiliates throughout the state, which were listed on the promotional flyer; and

- Ted Meehan, our Legislative Director for his vast and highly effective efforts to organize and promote this Rally.

The leader of our Centre County affiliate, Teresa McNitt, has obtained a copy of a DVD of this Rally. If you wish a copy sent to you, please contact Teresa at 814-404-9681 or

Use this link to view more pictures taken at this rally. 

Voices for the Unborn is an e-publication dedicated to informing and educating the public on pro-life and pro-family issues. To read our Mission Statement, use this link.  You can also follow us on FacebookGoogle, and Pinterest.  Help spread the word by sharing our articles on your favorite social networks.

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