
Saturday, June 18, 2016

‘Satanic Temple’ Joins Planned Parenthood in Pro-Abortion Crusade

from  Tea Party 

(Breitbart) – In the face of growing pressure on Planned Parenthood after revelations that it was selling human body parts, the Satanic Temple has launched a pro-abortion crusade to come to the aid of America’s largest abortion provider.

The Satanic Temple, an organization that combats Christian influence in American society, has staged a series of counter-protests at pro-life rallies and filed a lawsuit against the state of Missouri on behalf of one of its members who had to wait 72 hours to get an abortion due to Missouri state law.

According to reports, legislators have passed nearly 300 abortion restrictions in the past five years, resulting in the closing of “hundreds of clinics.”

In what free speech advocates are calling a victory for freedom of the press, David Daleiden, the intrepid investigative reporter who unearthed Planned Parenthood’s misdeeds, has been exonerated from the charges brought by the abortion giant.

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