
Monday, June 20, 2016

Sisters for Life Rally Sparks Counter Protest

by Martha Elson
Courier Journal

A week after Muhammad Ali's funeral procession and service were held in Louisville, a local African-American group that opposes abortion called Sisters for Life asked the question: "What if his mother had aborted him?"

Contending that providing abortions amounts to "black genocide" and alleging that Planned Parenthood targets the black community, the group and its supporters held an 8th Annual Father's Day and Juneteenth Emancipation Proclamation walk Saturday morning, starting at the group's headquarters, 1143 S. 6th St., and ending with a rally at Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky's health center on South Seventh Street.

There, they were met by a group of Planned Parenthood supporters holding signs and chanting, "Not the church, not the state/Women will decide our fate," as the Sisters group loudly sang "Jesus Loves the Little Children." Other counter protest signs read: "Let Families Make Family Decisions" and "My Body, My Choice."

Use this link to continue reading and view photos from this rally 

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