
Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Stop PP's Founder NOW!

from Jim Sedlak, Vice President, American Life League
Founder, ALL's STOPP International

This summer, American Life League is undertaking an exciting new project that will help students and communities learn the truth about Planned Parenthood and its nefarious beginnings.

Who Was the Real Margaret Sanger? is a multimedia unit study course for high school students about Margaret Sanger, her eugenicist leanings, and how she changed America's mindset about birth control.

We cannot finish this series without you. Every $5, $25, or $100 brings us closer to our goal. Go to our Kickstarter page now to become a backer and supporter of pro-life education.

In addition, we are offering cool pro-life gear and other rewards to backers-such as a copy of the videos when the project is complete-as our way of saying thanks.

Students deserve to know the truth about Planned Parenthood, the vile things it does behind closed doors, and how this organization has roots in eugenics and racism. Who Was the Real Margaret Sanger? arms students with the truth so that they can be witnesses of the gospel of life.

Join the fight to spread awareness about Planned Parenthood's founder. Back Who Was the Real Margaret Sanger? on Kickstarter to help us get this much-needed program into schools around the country.

**Backers who pledge $25 or more will receive a copy of Who Was the Real Margaret Sanger? in thanks for their support.

Help stop Planned Parenthood from taking control of our children's education!

STOPP INTERNATIONAL is totally supported by free-will donations from concerned people. It is only through your generosity that we are able to continue. Please consider a donation to help us continue our work by using our secure online donation form.

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