
Saturday, June 25, 2016

Students for Life Groups Now Outnumber Planned Parenthood Campus Groups 4-1


By Students for Life
Life News

Students for Life of America (SFLA) announced today that they now serve more than 1,043 college, high school, law and medical school, and young professionals pro-life groups across the United States, 568 of which were started by the SFLA National Field Team.

This means that Students for Life campus pro-life groups now outnumber pro-abortion groups nearly 4-to-1, with Planned Parenthood’s last report boasting 275 campus groups.

“This enormous gap between pro-life and pro-choice students indicates that the pro-life message is resonating where it needs to the most, right where the abortion industry targets: college and high school campuses,” said Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America. “We are meeting students where they are, having passionate and constructive conversations on campus, and changing hearts and minds.

“The passion of our students is evidenced by the sheer number of pro-life students willing to sacrifice their time and energy on behalf of women facing unintended pregnancies and their babies verses the pro-choice student groups whose only recourse against us has been to yell and scream and vandalize pro-life displays,” continued Hawkins.

Since SFLA launched full-time just ten years ago, we’ve grown from a team of just one full-time staffer to over 29, including at least one person in every region of the country that works with area high school and college groups, and the number of student pro-life clubs has grown every single year, topping out in the 2015-2016 school year at over 1,040.

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