
Thursday, June 23, 2016

This Abortionist Can’t Find Anyone to Replace Him Because New Doctors Don’t Want to Kill Babies

Abortionist Bernard Rosenfeld
By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

Many different factors are playing a part in the record number of abortion clinics closing all across the country. New abortion clinic regulations, sidewalk counseling and educational efforts such as 40 Days for Life, pregnancy resource centers and more have contributed to the decline.

But another factor also is having a strong influence – a lack of doctors willing to perform the deadly procedures. A new report from PBS Houston draws attention to the abortion industry’s struggle to find employees. Texas had 48 abortion doctor a few years ago, but now it’s down to 28, according to the report.

Abortionist Bernard Rosenfeld is one of those 28. He is 74 years old and plans to retire from his Houston, Texas abortion practice soon after more than 30 years in business. He told PBS that he is struggling to find another abortionist to take his place.

“I’ve talked to some doctors, but none of them are interested in the political consequences of providing abortions,” Rosenfeld said.

He blamed pro-life protesters for scaring doctors away from the abortion practice. He said some protesters have picketed his house and left bullets in the abortion clinic parking lot.

Rosenfeld isn’t the only one struggling to find a replacement. A 2016 Bloomberg analysis found that a number of U.S. abortion facilities closed recently because they either could not find a doctor willing to do abortions or the doctor they had was deemed “unfit to practice.”

The PBS reporter Carrie Feibel found that many Texas medical schools and residency programs did not even want to talk about students being trained to do abortions. OB-GYN programs must offer residents the option to learn to do abortions if they want to be accredited, according to the report. Medical students with religious or moral objections can opt out of abortion training, the report states.


  1. 30 years' experience...nothing to be proud of. Thankfully it ends there for him. Praying for him.
