
Thursday, July 7, 2016

BREAKING NEWS on the Conscience Protection Act

from Amy McInerny, Executive Director
Human Life Action

We are being heard! Today, we learned that the Conscience Protection Act has been scheduled for a vote in the House next Wednesday, July 13. We need to continue to raise our voices to urge our Representatives to vote in favor of this common-sense legislation to protect pro-life health care providers. Click on the button below to send your message.   


Friday morning, July 8, at 9:00, the House Committee on Energy and Commerce will host a forum on Conscience Protection featuring policy and healthcare professionals who will speak with authority and experience on the attacks on conscience they and others have experienced in the course of their duties in providing healthcare. Please follow this link to observe the proceedings live during the forum.

You can also stay up to date by following us on Twitter @HumanLifeAction and on Facebook

If you are on social media join in the #NoAbortionCoercion media blitz from 8-11 am EDT Friday. Together, we will be heard.

Human Life Action, an initiative of NCHLA, stands for the inherent dignity of every life and the power of all Americans to shape policy that affirms life.

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