
Friday, July 15, 2016

Canada: The World has Gone MAD

The government will help you violate your conscience

by Paul Russell

We've seen many times before how those pushing for euthanasia and assisted suicide create all sorts of euphemisms to disguise and to soften attitudes away from natural repulsion at the thought of a doctor killing a patient or in helping them to suicide.

Medically Assisted Dying is one of those fudges. Or, as the Canadians are now calling it, 'Medical Assistance in Dying'.

And when the various bureaucracies begin to deal with their processes, procedures and documentation, as is often the case, they will look for an acronym. Though it seems quite apposite to use MAD, this simply will not do.

Instead MAID is now being used on official documents, evocative of a domestic helper or an assistant paid to help make you dead. At least MAID will save on paper, being much shorter than: 'Making your patient dead - a step by step guide.'

1 comment:

  1. The Catholic Church in her official exhortations and encyclicals is the clear voice of Jesus Christ in the world on all matters of living and dying here on earth. Whatever she "binds on earth will be bound in Heaven; whatever she losses on earth shall be loosed in Heaven." -Matthew 18:18 Google and read the beautiful Evangelium Vitae (Gospel of Life) about how health care should be given according to God.
