
Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Cardinal Raymond Burke: “My Mother Was Advised to Abort Me,” But This Happened

U.S. Catholic Leader Cardinal Raymond Burke 
By Micaiah
Life News

In his new book, U.S. Catholic leader Cardinal Raymond Burke revealed a never-before-told story about how his life could have ended in the womb.

Christian Today reports Burke said his mother was advised to abort him when she began experiencing serious health problems during her pregnancy. Though his mother became seriously ill, the cardinal said she refused to abort him.

Burke related the story in his new book, “Hope for the World.” He accompanied the story with a message urging Catholics to follow his mother’s example and defend life in the womb.

The Catholic Herald reports more on Burke’s life story:

According to Cardinal Burke, the doctor [told his mother]: “You already have five children, it is important for you to be in good health so as to take care of them”.

“My parents refused,” says the cardinal, who is now chaplain to the Order of Malta. “My parents told him that they believed in God and that Christ would give them the necessary help. My mother gave birth to me, and everything went well.
“I was therefore quite touched by this question of defending human life, because I could very well have been killed.”
In the book, entitled Hope for the World, Cardinal Burke argues that the “ferocious attack against life today” results from “the distortion of the sexual act by contraception”, and urges Catholics to defend human life.
He adds: “The devil, of course, wants to discourage us: he tries to sow doubt in our minds about defending human life publicly. And he subtly tempts us to remain silent, to mute our conscience, to tell ourselves that we are personally against abortion but do not have to express our faith and moral convictions in public.”
Burke’s story explains part of the reason why he has been such a vocal advocate for unborn babies in the United States.

Earlier this year, he rebuked the University of Notre Dame, which is Catholic, for honoring pro-abortion Vice President Joe Biden with one of its top awards.

“I find it difficult to imagine that a Catholic university would assign its highest honor to any politician who favors abortion and who also advocates for the recognition of the sexual liaison of two people of the same sex as equal to marriage,” Burke said in an interview with Catholic Action for Faith and Family’s Thomas McKenna. “It is even more difficult to imagine that the university would confer such an honor upon a Roman Catholic who supports these anti-life and anti-family policies and legislation.”
On numerous occasions, he also has called for pro-abortion Catholic politicians like Biden and Nancy Pelosi to be denied communion because of their support of abortion.


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