
Sunday, July 17, 2016

Israeli Government Honors Messianic Pro-Life Campaign

Award Recognizes 'Significant Contribution to the 
Protection of Mothers and Children'

By Bob Unruh
World Net Daily

An Israeli organization that works to defeat abortion simply by offering support to new mothers and their infants during the first year of the child’s life has been honored by the Israeli government.

The Operation Moses program run by Be’ad Chaim provides moms with a baby carriage, bed, chest of drawers, diapers, clothing and formula, if needed, to make that first year just a little smoother. It also coaches about nutrition, fetal development, stages of pregnancy and offers ultrasound imaging and well as housing help.

Now, the Messianic pro-life and women’s health group has been honored by the government, according to a report from Israel Today.

The honor recognizes what started out as a small Messianic prayer group for its “significant contribution to the protection of mothers and children.”

The report explained, “It began back in the 1980s, when Messianic Pastor Tony Sperandeo, together with other local believers, initiated a fight against what they called ‘the shedding of innocent blood’ in Israel. They started a regular prayer meeting, lectured in congregations across the land, and passed out fliers on street corners teaching people that abortion is a sin against God, and against our own people.”

In Israel, abortion is legal and there are tens of thousands performed annually.

Now the organization has 12 offices, estimates more than 1,500 babies have been saved through the program, and generates support for Israel from around the world.

“We have donations from China, Hawaii, Finland – all over the world. If they want, sponsors are able to have a personal relationship with mom and baby. They share pictures, and many are in regular prayer for the young families,” Sandy Shoshani, a director for the group, told Israel Today.

On its website, it explains one case in which it was able to help.

“We received a call from a very distraught husband who heard about us from a friend. David said that his wife was pregnant, but overcome with nausea and planning an abortion. Just a month before he had been released from prison after serving two very difficult years away from his wife and two sons. David was adamant that Carly should not abort, but he had no job and no way to support his family.

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