
Sunday, July 24, 2016

Let's Say #ThanksNFP

Helen Alvare
Women Speak for Themselves

NFP Awareness week starts on Monday!  NFP Awareness Week is a national educational campaign to share how Natural Family Planning benefits women, marriages, and families.

As our staff thought about it this week, we had an idea for you to speak for yourself…naturally!

Proponents of birth control have their own days set aside at another time to “thank” birth control. They even have a hashtag they use “ThxBirthControl.” Believe it or not #ThanksNFP has not been used in a strategic campaign that we could find. But it should be, because God knows NFP does a whole lot of good for women, marriages, and families!

Starting Monday, July 25, we want YOU to say #ThanksNFP on social media. Your voice can help overturn myths that are so prevalent about fertility-awareness based methods, and encourage women to make life-affirming choices for their bodies. Let's get the #ThanksNFP hashtag trending on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and more to educate the world!

1. First, here are some ideas for tweets to get you started:
  • NFP empowers women to work with their bodies, instead of against them. #ByeBC #ThanksNFP
  • Unlike hormonal BC, NFP is free of side effects. #ByeBC #ThanksNFP
  • NFP is linked to stronger marriages. #ByeBC #ThanksNFP
  • #ThanksNFP for helping me build my family!
  • #ThanksNFP for strengthening communication and intimacy with my husband
  • #ThanksNFP for helping me keep my body natural and hormone-free!
  • #ThanksNFP for empowering me to love my body just the way it was made

2. We will also be posting memes for you to "share" on Facebook or any other social media platform, so keep checking our Facebook page.

3. Last but NOT least, we here at WSFT would love to hear your personal stories about how NFP has improved your life! Reply to this email with 100-400 words about how NFP has benefited you and we may repost it on our Facebook page (we will use first names only).

As always, thank you for speaking for yourself for the good of women everywhere.

Women Speak For Themselves is a grassroots organization with more than 41,000 women from all 50 states and various political and religious backgrounds. Our list is made up of diverse and intelligent women–with thousands of doctors, lawyers, teachers, businesswomen, homeschooling mothers, and longtime community advocates. Our collaboration with each other—which began in 2012—has produced hundreds of letters to the media, dozens of published editorials, town hall meetings, letters and meetings with congressional representatives, social media postings, and the occasional protest, all in support of women and religious freedom. Our efforts have shown time and again that women care about religious liberty, and that no one can speak for all women!  For more information or to make a donation, please use this link.  

Voices for the Unborn is an e-publication dedicated to informing and educating the public on pro-life and pro-family issues. To read our Mission Statement, use this link.  Follow us also on FacebookGoogle, and Pinterest.  Help spread the word by sharing our articles on your favorite social networks.

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