
Friday, July 8, 2016

Mercy Witness at Gosnell House of Horrors‏ on July 23rd

Gosnell's House of Horrors

From Ted Meehan
Philly Alive 

On July 23, a prayerful and peaceful Pro-Life Mercy Witness will take place outside of the former abortuary of Kermit Gosnell at 3801 Lancaster Avenue (see map) in Philadelphia from 10am to 11am. (A mass will be celebrated at 8:30 am at the Drexel Neumann Center at 33rd St below Market.)


In 2010, during a drug investigation, the Philadelphia DA's office discovered filthy, unsanitary conditions at Gosnell's "house of horrors". Multiple complaints to the PA Department of State and PA Department of Health - over a 10 year period - had been ignored by pro-abortion governors Rendell and Ridge. Not even the deaths of two mothers from botched abortions prompted so much as a phone call. More than 100 babies who had survived attempted abortions were summarily executed by Gosnell.

This case was ignored by the Mainstream Media, who refused to report on the atrocities committed in the name of "choice". The Democratic Party opposed all efforts in every state to prevent other women and babies from these same horrors. But a number of states - including Pennsylvania and Texas - passed laws requiring abortion centers to comply with ambulatory surgical standards. Planned Parenthood filed an appeal against the Texas Law.

A couple of weeks ago, led by the four Democrat pro-abortion ideologues on the Supreme Court, that Texas Law was overturned. Hillary Clinton and Katie McGinty celebrated that decision as a victory for "Choice".

On July 25, the Democratic Party will hold their national convention in Philadelphia. Delegates will be arriving by July 23. The national news Media will be looking to cover unique stories. We will stand together for Life in front of the Gosnell "House of Horrirs" to declare the Democratic Party to be the Party of Gosnell, and point out to them the consequences of their War on Truth, and their War on Life. We may be ignored, but we may tweak the Conscience of America.

We need YOU to stand with us. There can be no more important place for you to be on that morning. We will confront the forces of death, and ask the once proud "Party of the Little Guy" to turn back to the Lord of Life.

The world may be watching. Will you add your voice to our call for Mercy?

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." (Edmund Burke)

1 comment:

  1. From Ted Meehan: I'm trying to recruit for a Mercy Witness out in front of Gosnell's House of Horrors (3801 Lancaster) on July 23 (Saturday) from 10am to 11am. There will be a Mass at 8:30am at the Drexel Neumann Center for anyone who would like to come earlier.

    The effort is being made to draw attention to the incoming Democratic Party's pro-abortion opposition to the most sensible safety standards for women. You may recall that the Supreme Court, led by the 4 Democrat pro-abortion ideologues, overturned Texas' ambulatory surgical standards law. Hillary and Katy McGinty both celebrated this decision as some type of victory for women. So, we want to return to the scene of the House of Horrors, which had triggered the Texas law and also Pennsylvania's.

    We want to project to the Convention media the idea that the Democrats are the "Party of Gosnell", and they are returning to the home of Gosnell to select their pro-Gosnell candidate. The goal is to have a minimum of 100 people. We believe we can draw media attention, and drive a media cycle as the Convention will not start until Monday. If each of us rounds up 3 to 5 volunteers, (more are welcome) we will have a great turnout.

    Could you try to round up a few volunteers to attend for this 1 hour Mercy Witness?
