
Monday, July 18, 2016

Minutes Before an Abortion, a Nurse Told Me: ‘You are Not Getting an Abortion Today’

By Amy Ford
Live Action News

(PregnancyHelpNews) — Laying on the cold floor, my cheeks wet with tears, my world seemed to be falling apart.

I felt like I was drowning and couldn’t catch my breath. I was gasping for air in between the sobs and the room began spinning. The next thing I knew I was on the floor with two nurses hovering over me. One was fanning me as the other was trying to give me water.

My heart was broken. I was pregnant.

Growing up in a Christian home and going to a private school my whole life, I knew with all my heart abortion was wrong. I even marched outside abortion clinics as a child with my family, praying for life. But I let fear consume my thoughts and believed the lie that abortion was the only way.

Lying on that abortion room floor, I couldn’t see what tomorrow looked like—much less nine months. I didn’t see how it was possible to move forward with a pregnancy just to shame my family and disappoint everyone that I loved.

As the nurses helped me up, the tears still would not stop. I talk with women today who have had abortions and they always remind me that this part of my story is not normal: I actually did have a nurse who cared.

The nurse told me in that moment, “You are not getting an abortion today. You can come back another day but today is not your day.” So I walked out, taking a deep breath, and went to a waiting area where the father of my child was waiting. With my eyes red and my face swollen, I looked at him and said, “We’re still pregnant.”

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