
Tuesday, July 12, 2016

New GOP Platform May be Most Pro-Life Ever, Condemning Abortion and Planned Parenthood

By Miciah Bilger
Life News

The Republican Party could adopt its most pro-life platform yet this summer.

Historically, the party has been a champion for the right to life, with its platform recognizing “that the unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed.”

Politico reports the Republican Party is considering an even stronger pro-life platform this summer that would call for an end to taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood and a ban on the use of aborted babies’ body parts in research.

The new GOP platform also would condemn the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent decision to overturn a Texas law that required abortion clinics to meet basic health and safety standards, according to the report. It also calls for new Supreme Court judges who will reverse the decision and uphold the right to life for unborn babies, the report states.

These would be additions to the current Republican Party platform, which supports a human life amendment to the Constitution, recognizing unborn babies as human beings with equal rights under the Fourteenth Amendment. It also opposes taxpayer funding for abortions and groups that do abortions. Read the current pro-life platform here.

Billy Valentine, director of government affairs at the Susan B. Anthony List, told Politico that the new Republican Party language could be “the strongest pro-life platform yet.”

“The life language that came out of the constitution subcommittee is even stronger than the 2012 language,” Valentine said.

Several strong pro-life leaders are in charge of drafting the new Republican Party platform.  The Hill reports U.S. Sen. John Barrasso is the chair the Republican platform committee. Barrasso, who represents Wyoming, has a 100-percent pro-life voting record from the National Right to Life Committee. His appointment as chair signaled a strong party commitment to restoring unborn babies’ right to life.

Article continues here

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