
Saturday, July 16, 2016

Planned Parenthood Bashes Pro-Life Gov. Mike Pence: “Donald Trump’s VP Couldn’t be Worse”


By Steven Ertlet
Life News

It didn’t take long for the Planned Parenthood abortion business to fire off a email to its supporters trashing pro-life Indian Governor Mike Pence, Donald Trump’s selection as his vice-presidential running mate.

While pro-life groups have been quick to praise the section of a governor with a long history of promoting pro-life policies and defending unborn children, Planned Parenthood will have none of it — sending out an email blast saying “Donald Trump’s VP couldn’t be worse.”

“It’s official: Just when you thought the nightmare of a Trump presidency couldn’t get worse, he picks Indiana Governor Mike Pence as his running mate,” the abortion company said in its email, that LifeNews received. “There is simply no question where Mike Pence stands [on abortion].”

The abortion giant complained that Pence signed into law “some of the most invasive and extreme abortion restrictions in the country” and griped that he “He forced the local Scott County Planned Parenthood health center to shut its doors in 2013.”

“That’s not all. As a House Representative in Congress, Pence was known for what Politico called a “one-man crusade” to prevent patients from getting care at Planned Parenthood anywhere in the country, introducing six separate measures in Congress,” Planned Parenthood groused.

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