
Monday, July 25, 2016

Planned Parenthood CEO to Speak at Democrat Convention Despite Selling Baby Parts

By Steven Ertelt
Life News

The president of the nation’s biggest abortion business will be a featured speaker at the Democratic convention this week that will nominate abortion activist Hillary Clinton for president.

In 2008, the Democratic National Committee allowed Cecile Richards, the president of Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion business to speak from the stage. Then, in 2012, the DNC allowed Richards to speak again from the state.

Now, Richards gets the national spotlight from the Democratic Party shone on her abortion company again.

During her 2012 speech, Richards lauded pro-abortion President Barack Obama’s re-election.

“I am proud tonight to support the re-election of President Barack Obama,” Cecile Richards said to a crowd that gave her standing ovations for pushing abortion and the abortion company’s agenda. “Obama brought women to this dance and we’re staying with him.”

“Mitt Romney is campaigning to get rid of Planned Parenthood and overturn Roe v. Wade,” Richards complained. “This year women learned that if we aren’t at the table, we’re on the menu. So this November, women are organizing, mobilizing and voting for the leaders who fight for us. Because when Mitt Romney says he’ll “get rid of” Planned Parenthood, and turn the clock back on a century of progress, it has real consequences for the three million patients who depended on Planned Parenthood last year.”

“The good news is, we already have a president who’s on our side,” she added, referring to Obama.

The Planned Parenthood abortion corporation has already not only endorsed Clinton in this election, but it plans to spend $20 million on her behalf and recently hosted a rally with the abortion proponent, where Clinton said she would always have its back.

“I have been proud to stand with Planned Parenthood for a long time and, as president, I will always have your back,” Hillary said. “We need to protect Planned Parenthood from partisan attacks.”
Read more and view the videos from CMP

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