
Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Russia: Church and State Sign Agreement to Prevent Abortion

Patriarch Kirill, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church
Patriarch Kirill, Head of the Russian Orthodox Church

National Right to Life

The Ministry of Health in Russia has signed an agreement with the Russian Orthodox Church that includes prevention of abortion and provision of palliative care . 

The agreement signed by Health Minister Veronika Skvortsova and Patriarch Kirill, the head of the Russian Orthodox  Church was published on the website of the Synodal Department for ROC [Russian Orthodox Church] Church Charity and Social Service.

Article 9 of the 21 article agreement establishes cooperation “on the protection of maternal and child health, including reproductive health, promotion of family values and prevention of abortion.”

The agreement includes joint actions with medical institutions for the  “creation of crisis pregnancy centers at hospitals with the participation of psychologists and participation of representatives of religious organizations of the Russian Orthodox Church in advising women who are planning to terminate the pregnancy, in medical institutions” and for the provision of space for “posting information of religious organizations of the Russian Orthodox Church on the stands in medical institutions.”

Additionally, the two parties will also undertake  “joint efforts to provide assistance and support to pregnant women whose prenatal diagnosis indicate to the malformation of the fetus, as well as mothers who give birth to a child with developmental disabilities.”

Under Article 5, the Orthodox Church will cooperate with the Health Ministry in the preparation of health professionals by providing formative instruction on the spiritual foundations of medical activities and by facilitating the interaction of medical organizations
with organizations of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Legislation Proposed to Restrict Access to Abortion

The Russian State Duma is considering legislation on abortion that includes limiting funding for abortion to only those that are considered medically necessary. The bill is designed to help reduce the number of Russian children destroyed through the violence of abortion.

According to the UN’s Department of Economic and Social Affairs, for every 1,000 births, there are 34 abortions in Russia where the fertility rate is below replacement at 1.53.

The legislation would ban private abortion clinics and over-the-counter sale of abortion inducing medication would only be available through a doctor’s prescription. Women considering abortion would be given ultrasounds. One of the sponsors of the legislation, Yelina Mizulina, states that “up to 80 percent of them [abortion minded women] refuse to have the abortion when they see their child on the screen.”

Editor’s note. This analysis comes from the Parliamentary Network for Critical Issues 

Article continues here

Blogger's Note:
How ironic is it that Russia is now working closely with medical institutions and the Russian Orthodox Church. Their objectives are prevention of abortion, create crisis pregnancy centers, promote family values, protect maternal and child health, and provide "instruction on the spiritual foundations of medical activities and by facilitating the interaction of medical organizations with organizations of the Russian Orthodox Church." 

In contrast, Catholic hospitals and religious institutions in America are under attack by the Obama administration. Religious and charitable organizations are also being forced, through lawsuits, to cover the costs of abortions, birth control and the "morning after pill" for their employees. This is in direct violation of Catholic doctrine and Biblical truth. This administration is vilolating the first amendment rights of the Church. They are waging a war against God and His Word and are treading a path to destruction.

Catholic Bishops Blast Obama Admin for Forcing Churches to Pay for Abortions

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