
Saturday, July 30, 2016

United Nations Strongly Urges Philippines to Legalize Abortion “Without Delay”

By Danny David
Live Action News

In a report released last Friday, the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) urged lawmakers in the Philippines to legalize abortion “without delay.” Abortion is currently banned in the Philippines with no explicit exceptions.

After discussing multiple issues related to the treatment of women in the Philippines, such as human trafficking and gender equality in the workplace and government, the Committee implies that the nation’s current ban on abortion is another example of discrimination against women. CEDAW proceeds to re-recommend its own recommendations from an earlier report…

The Committee recommends that the State party fully implement, without delay, all the recommendations issued by the Committee in 2015 in the report on its inquiry (CEDAW/C/OP.8/PHL/1, paras 49 to 52), including…legalization of abortion under certain circumstances.
Melissa Upreti, regional director for Asia at the Center for Reproductive Rights, praised the report: “We commend the U.N. Committee for once again urging the government to fully ensure women’s reproductive health and end discrimination against women by…legalizing abortion.” On its website, the Center for Reproductive Rights declares that “all governments are legally obligated” to support “reproductive freedom,” including abortion.

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