
Saturday, August 13, 2016

Congressman Says Pro-lifers Have “Dirty Hands.” He Should See Planned Parenthood’s.

By Adam Peters
Live Action News

Are you pro-life? If so, you may wanna get to a sink; a congressman thinks you have dirty hands.

That would be Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL). He recently said pro-life legislators should “keep their dirty, filthy hands off of Planned Parenthood,” America’s largest abortion chain.

Now, it’s likely Gutierrez isn’t talking about hygiene; he might mean “dirty” in a moral sense. In that case, he picked the wrong target. After all, if the congressman is worried about “filthy hands,” he should look at Planned Parenthood’s.

When an adult tells a minor, “Please don’t say I told you this,” it’s usually a bad sign. It was when a Planned Parenthood counselor said that to Live Action founder Lila Rose. Rose had just stated she was 14 and pregnant by her 31 year-old boyfriend. The counselor’s advice? Lie about his age when seeking an abortion.

This wasn’t the only time Planned Parenthood staff have been willing to enable abuse. When Live Action volunteers posing as human traffickers visited Planned Parenthood clinic director Amy Woodruff, she offered to set up abortions on underage prostitutes who “can’t speak English” and “won’t know what’s going on.”

Read more and view undercover videos


  1. Planned parent hood not only has dirty hands but the blood of innocent children an adults who died from an abortion.

  2. Planned parent hood not only has dirty hands but the blood of innocent children an adults who died from an abortion.
