
Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Democrats: "Crucify Him!"‏

From the Catholic Vote

One of the most arresting lines in the Gospel is the shout of the crowd before Pontius Pilate:

“Crucify him!” 

An echo of that chilling moment happened at the Democratic convention.

Ilyse Hogue, president of the radical pro-abortion group NARAL, told the convention: “I made the decision that was best for me: to have an abortion…”

And the Democratic delegates roared with approval.

Gone are the days when Democratic candidates spoke softly about the“A” word. Not long ago, their platform aimed to make abortion ‘safe, legal, and rare.’ Today, their radical agenda has been stripped of its euphemisms and phony slogans.

The official Democratic platform now calls for abortion on demand -- paid for by taxpayers like you and me. Even so-called “devout Catholic” Tim Kaine supports this extremist plan.

Butit gets worse...

Not only does the party seek to advance a disgusting anti-Catholic agenda, they also plan toforce you and me to agree with them and pay for it!

Just yesterday elitist Nancy Pelosi ripped “non-college educated” voters who vote against their own economic interests because of “guns, gays, and God.” Did you get that? You and I are too stupid to vote because we believe in protecting children, building strong families, and placing our faith in God.

And Hillary has warned on abortion: “Laws have to be backed up with resources and political will… And deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed.”

Yes, she said that.

Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine are now officially running to be our next President and Vice President. The duo is widely celebrated as the most pro-abortion presidential ticket in United States history. Cecile Richards, President of Planned Parenthood can hardly contain her excitement, saying “this is the strongest reproductive rights ticket we’ve ever had.”

But Clinton-Kaine are not just running to protect the abortion industry.

They are warning us now: Catholics will be forced into submission. Our hospitals, schools, charities...ourrights of conscience will be given a choice: submit or go to jail.

Unless we stop them. It’s now up to us.  But time is running short.

We have videos, mailers, parish captains, voter registration drives,online digital campaigns, and much more ready to roll -- but we’re still short on funds.

Can you chip in $15 to help us stop Clinton-Kaine? The next 90 days are critical. I am asking every CV member to chip in $5, $25, or even $50 right now! 


Can a Catholic vote for Clinton-Kaine?  No. No way.  Never! is a lay-led movement of committed Catholics who are passionate about living out the truths proclaimed by Christ and His Church in the modern world. We are joined in this mission by many individuals of other faith traditions (and no faith tradition) because the common good we seek is universal to all men and women of good will.   For more information, please use this link.  



  1. I don't hve a lotbut how do i give at least five dollars.

    1. Click on the image above that says: "Click here to donate" It will take you to a page where you can make a tax-deductible donation.
