
Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Doctors Told Her 17 Times to Pull the Plug on Her Husband After a Brain Injury, Today He’s Talking

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

Two years ago on a winter morning, Jay Hendry suffered massive brain injuries in a car crash while driving his son to school. But it was at the hospital where his wife had to fight the hardest to save his life.

In an interview with LifeNews, wife and mother Megan Hendry explained how she refused to give up on her husband despite doctors’ recommendations to pull the plug and end his life.

Today, Megan said Jay is able to talk and interact with family at their Pennsylvania home. He can play games with their three children, and sometimes he even tries to help with the chores.

“I do take care of all his personal care needs, but he is interactive with our family,” she said. “He loves watching the kids play. He talks, in a whisper, but he talks and is lucid. If Jay was able to receive rehab from the beginning, his prognosis would have been much higher, however since only his family believed in him, it didn’t happen.”

Two years ago, Megan said she sensed that something terrible had happened when her husband left to take their son to school on that January morning. There had been a big snowstorm a few days earlier, and the roads were icy and wet, she said.

Their vehicle hydroplaned about a mile from their home, and both Jay and their son were taken to a trauma unit. Megan said their son was discharged the next day, but Jay spent several months in the intensive care unit. Jay sustained serious injuries, including severe traumatic brain injuries that left him in a coma.

Initially, doctors told Megan that Jay may not wake up and if he did he could be in a “persistent vegetative state.” Others said he would require 24-hour care in a nursing home. But Megan, a nurse, knew that the doctors were wrong.

Story continues

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