
Friday, August 19, 2016

Donald Trump Names Pro-Life Advocate Kellyanne Conway as Campaign Manager

By Steven Ertelt
Life News

Donald Trump’s presidential campaign today made major shakeups in an attempt to catch pro-abortion Hillary Clinton, who is leading both national polls as well as surveys of voters in key battleground states. Trump has appointed Kellyanne Conway as Campaign Manager and Steve Bannon as Campaign CEO.

One key pro-life leader praised the move — noting that both Conway and Bannon are pro-life advocates.

“I have known and trusted Kellyanne Conway my entire professional life,” Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser told today. “No one is better at understanding what real people are thinking and how to connect with them than Kellyanne. She and Steve both understand the importance of effectively communicating the pro-life position and leveraging the passion of the pro-life grassroots in winning elections. No two could be better positioned to help Donald Trump to take on and expose Hillary Clinton’s extremism in this general election.”
Dannenfelser said Donald Trump has pledged, if elected, to advance and sign into law the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, to defund Planned Parenthood, and to appoint pro-life Justices to the Supreme Court.

Recently, Trump released a well-received list of 11 potential Supreme Court nominees — a list pro-life groups hailed for having strong supporters of the Constitution. Trump also recently hired a key pro-life advocate has his domestic policy director.

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