
Monday, August 15, 2016

Hillary Clinton’s Pro-Abortion Extremism, in Her Own Words, in Just 57 Seconds

By Dave Andrusko
Life News

I write for a living, but I thoroughly understand the power of visuals—to educate, to motive, and often to enchant. And to terrify.

A couple of days ago Gary Bauer’s American Values Action PAC released a YouTube video that in a mere 57 seconds encapsulates why Hillary Clinton is (by anyone’s definition not on the abortion industry’s payroll) an abortion extremist. These are Clinton’s own words and they are not taken out of context.

Watch it at

Of course there are many dimensions to the multi-layered Clinton abortion agenda that are not addressed, but the four items the You Tube video highlight will make your blood run cold.

#1. Expanding taxpayer funding for abortion, specifically for Planned Parenthood. And Clinton has forthrightly called for the end to the Hyde Amendment, which would put you and I back in the business of taxpayer funded abortions and increase by hundreds of thousands the number of dead babies.

#2. “Deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed.” This is even more ominous than it sounds; Democrats are not big believers in freedom of conscience or religion. These are remarks from a speech Clinton delivered this year to the “Women in The World Summit” in New York City. In context the message was impossible to miss: to bring real “reproductive health care” to the ends of the earth (Hillary and Bill Clinton are anti-life missionaries), a lot that means a great deal to billions of people must be jettisoned. And you don’t change what Clinton labeled “deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases” with pleasantries. You do so coercively, with the power of the state.

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