
Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Hologram Ultrasounds and the Future of Crisis Pregnancy Work

By Domenico Bettinelli, Jr., 
National Right to Life

Editor’s note. This appeared at Massachusetts Citizens for Life and is reprinted with permission.

The tech blog The Verge recently profiled the future of computer displays beyond the latest VR (virtual reality) and AR (augmented reality) headsets by looking at a prototype hologram display.

A virtual reality headset covers your eyes and projects a computer-generated world (or a specially filmed movie) around you that gives you the feeling that “you are there” and allows you to interact with it.

Augmented reality is different in that the display you wear in front of your eyes actually shows you the world around you, but overlays it with projected images or information that seem like they’re part of this world.

But holograms, as envisioned by the hologram display, would go a step further to create the representation of something three dimensional right in front of you. You’re probably asking yourself what this has to do with the cause for Life?

As you can see from the image above, The Verge illustrated a version of their story with a drawing depicting a 3D hologram ultrasound, and referred in their article to the possibility that the technology could be used to allow expectant mothers to “view an image of their developing baby.”

Over the past couple of decades, the advent of ultrasound has enabled pregnancy help centers to show women thinking about abortion that their baby isn’t just a “clump of cells”, but a living, developing human being. It’s been so effective that pro-abortion groups have been working very hard to shut them down as “deceptive” and “fraudulent”.

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