
Tuesday, August 16, 2016

How Tim Kaine's Position on Abortion is Worse than Hillary's

As Thomas More says in A Man For All Seasons, "When statesmen forsake their own private conscience for the sake of their public duties ... they lead their country by a short route to chaos."

By Daniel Allott
Washington Examiner

There aren't many politicians whose position on abortion is more extreme, or more deplorable, than Hillary Clinton's.

She is a long-time defender of partial-birth abortion, was instrumental in removing the word "rare" from the Democratic Party platform's "safe, legal and rare" language on abortion, and she is now calling for repeal of the Hyde Amendment, a bipartisan rule that for 40 years barred taxpayer funds from being used for most abortions through Medicaid.

But Clinton running mate Tim Kaine's position is worse, at least in one respect. Unlike Clinton, Kaine seems to recognize that there is something about abortion that is wrong, even gravely immoral. Yet, also unlike Clinton, Kaine doesn't have the courage of his convictions on the issue.

Back in 2005, while running for governor of Virginia, Kaine said he supported "appropriate and reasonable checks on the right to abortion," including a 24-hour waiting period, parental notification and restrictions on funding through Medicaid. He even pledged to pass a law barring most partial-birth abortions. All of this frightened NARAL Pro-Choice America's Virginia chapter enough to withhold its endorsement of Kaine.

Things have changed a lot over the last decade. As a Washington Examiner editorial noted, the day after Kaine was named Clinton's running mate, NARAL blasted an email to supporters with the subject line, "Now THAT's a vice president!"

And it's no wonder NARAL is so happy. Since Kaine joined the Senate in 2012, he's racked up a perfect pro-abortion-rights voting record. And he's become more outspoken, on several occasions stating his belief that abortion decisions should be left to women, not laws.

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