
Friday, August 5, 2016

Idaho Health Department Releases List of Free Ultrasound Providers for Pregnant Women

Idaho Governor Butch Otter
By Dave Andrusko
National Right to Life

In late March, pro-life Gov. C.L. “Butch” Otter signed a measure that made Idaho the 14th state to require that a pregnant woman be told where she can get a free ultrasound.

Under provisions of HB 516, the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare was charged with compiling a list of providers that offer free ultrasounds for women seeking abortions. “The list would be part of the informed consent brochures abortion providers are required to distribute,” the Associated Press reported.

This week Idaho health officials released a list of 11 ultrasound providers that requested to be included on the list. Not surprisingly, they are primarily crisis pregnancy centers. The AP’s Kimberlee Kruesi snarkily said of the CPCs, they “often are run by religiously affiliated groups and discourage women from getting abortions.”

Kruesi added, “State officials will distribute the list to abortion providers. The list also is available at It includes the ultrasound providers’ contact information and hours of operation.”

“Ultrasound imagery is a game changer,” said Brandi Swindell with Boise-based Stanton Health Care, which has two clinics listed as free ultrasounds providers on the state’s newly distributed list.
Stanton Health Care is working with local lawmakers and community members to open either a permanent or mobile clinic in eastern Idaho over the next year.
“I’m 100 percent pro-life, but in addition to that, I’m also pro-woman,” Swindell said.
On March 1, the Idaho House passed HB 516 by an overwhelming margin of 56-13, with only one Democrat supporting the measure. The Idaho Senate followed suit on March 17, passing the bill by an equally lop-sided 28-7 vote. No Democrat voted in favor in the Senate.

HB 516 builds on a 2007 informed consent law which required abortion facilities that use ultrasound equipment to inform the pregnant mother she has the option of viewing the ultrasound and obtaining a picture of her unborn baby.

The department already provides a list of other resources to pregnant women.

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