
Sunday, August 7, 2016

Nancy Pelosi Admitted Something We All Know: To be Pro-Abortion is Anti-God

By Jerry Newcombe
Life News

Sometimes the mask comes off, and people are just honest about what they really think. Nancy Pelosi, the House Minority Leader, had one of those moments last week, when she talked about “the three G’s,” comments that are now circulating around the internet.

During the Democratic National Convention, Judy Woodruff was interviewing the former Speaker of the House for the PBS Newshour (7/26/16), and Pelosi made some remarks about “non-college-educated white males” who vote Republican.

According to Pelosi they “voted against their own economic interests”—I disagree with her. I think the opposite is true. The policies of the Democratic Party have been disastrous for our recovery.
But Pelosi went on to say the reason they vote this way are “because of guns, because of gays, and because of God. The three ‘Gs,’ God being the woman’s right to choose.”
Well, there it is. Pelosi said something we all instinctively know: To be pro-abortion is anti-God.

It’s interesting that when the Supreme Court imposed abortion on this country on all 50 states by judicial fiat on January 22, 1973 in Roe v. Wade, they did appeal to religion in the decision. They appealed to ancient Greek and Roman religion. But they decidedly by-passed the Christian faith.

And rightly so, because Christianity has always stood against abortion. Even from the beginning of the faith to the present, the greatest opposition to the abortion ethic has been the church.

Read more of Nancy Peolosi's remarks

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