
Sunday, August 14, 2016

New Pro-Life Movie, "Voiceless"

from Troy Newman
Operation Rescue

I want to share some information with you about a pro-life feature film drama coming to theaters October 7th. It's called Voiceless. I've seen it and I love it and I believe you will as well.

It's a message directed to the church to get the church to engage the culture against the sin of abortion.

The distribution model for Voiceless is to open the movie in any theater where they are able to pre-sell 250 tickets for opening weekend. They are working through churches and pro-life activists to help secure as many theaters as possible. I am you asking you to prayerfully consider getting involved in helping get the Voiceless message out there.

Below is a link to the Voiceless web site. If you like what you see, you can simply fill out the information with no obligation and someone from their marketing team will contact you and even give you an opportunity to pre-screen the movie right away!

Once again, I strongly recommend you click the link and get involved in any way you can!

View the trailer below or watch on YouTube using this link.  


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