
Friday, August 12, 2016

Olympic Stories of Choosing Life

Simone Biles

By Matthew Wagner
National Right to Life

“You always dream of going to the Olympics and winning gold. I’ve learned over the years that there are lots of gold medals, but certain stories stick out and make a difference.” –Two-time Olympian and gold medalist Kerri Strug.

I love the Olympics. It doesn’t matter if it is track and field, swimming, gymnastics, or any other Olympic event. I love the patriotism shown by the athletes I love the sheer strength of will on display. What I love the most though are the stories that come to light of the personal challenges the athletes have to overcome.

One such life-affirming story is that of Simone Biles who is often referred to as the most decorated gold medalist in world championship gymnastic history. However, her story is even more impressive because of how it began.

Biles was born into a fatherless home and to an “unfit” drug-addicted mother…the ideal target for Planned Parenthood. Thankfully, Biles did not become an abortion statistic, instead eventually going into foster care, and then ultimately being adopted by her grandparents whom she simply calls Mom and Dad.  
They introduced her to gymnastics and now her story is just one example of a person who has made history because someone (in this case both her birth mother and her grandparents) chose life.

  Kerri Walsh Jennings

Another powerful story is the witness of Olympian volleyball player Kerri Walsh Jennings. In an interview with NBC, the three-time Olympic gold medalist (and we hope soon to be four time winner) compared competing in the Olympics to having children, saying:

“When you go through something that’s so momentous, and it’s either really hard or really inspiring, you kind of forget the details, and you just remember the feeling that you’re left with. Childbirth obviously leaves you with the best gift ever, and the Olympic experience has as well. But you forget the little things. And now that I’m here, it’s like, ‘Oh, my gosh. I forget how special this is.’ I literally get goose bumps 20 million times a day, because you see someone or something, and you’re inspired.”

Abortion advocates like to argue that abortion has to be necessary for women to continue their careers. After all, the argument goes, you can’t expect a woman to be able to have successful careers while raising children. Jennings, with her 3 gold medals, is living proof that a women can be successful in her career and raise children at the same time.

The Olympics are just getting started, so there will undoubtedly be more stories like Simone Biles’ and Kerri Walsh Jennings’ that stick out and remind us that there is always a reason to choose life.

Editor’s note. This appeared on the blog of the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation.

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