
Thursday, August 4, 2016

Outrage Over Forced Abortion on Impaired Women Prompts Tweetfest & Complaint

By Cheryl Sullenger
Operation Rescue

Dayton, OH - Pro-life activists plan to take to Twitter on Friday to call for disciplinary action against late-term abortionist Martin Haskell and his Women's Med Center staff for an incident of forced abortion on an impaired women, which they are saying was akin to rape.

"Where I'm from, deliberately inserting instruments into a half-conscious, intoxicated woman's vagina is called rape," said Kelsey Hazzard, Director of Secular Pro-Life, who is organizing Friday's Tweetfest using the hashtag #AbortRapeCulture to expose this abortion abuse and call for those responsible to be held accountable for breaking the law.

This comes as news is breaking of a formal complaint filed on Wednesday by Dayton Right to Life with the State Medical Board of Ohio seeking disciplinary action against abortionists at the Women's Med Center, a late-term abortion facility located in the Dayton suburb or Kettering, for conducting a forced abortion on a semi-conscious woman who was incapacitated by an overdose of street drugs.

Read more about about these developments in a story first reported by Operation Rescue and learn how to join the Tweetfest!

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