
Monday, August 1, 2016

Overdosed Woman Aborted Without Consent at Haskell's Late-term Abortion Facility

By Cheryl Sullenger
Operation Rescue

Dayton, OH - New documents just acquired by Operation Rescue show that the Women's Med Center, a late-term abortion facility in Dayton, Ohio, committed violations of Ambulatory Surgical Facility rules by aborting a late-term pregnancy on a 31-year old woman who was so impaired by an overdose of street drugs that she could not give her consent.

The owner and medical director of the Women's Med Center (WMC) is the notorious third-trimester abortion specialist Martin Haskell.

Find out what happened, read the documents and view the video featuring the 911 call!

Operation Rescue is one of the leading pro-life Christian activist organizations in the nation and has become a strong voice for the pro-life movement in America.Operation Rescue is now headquartered in a former abortion clinic that it bought and closed in 2006. From there, Operation Rescue launches its innovative new strategies across the nation, exposing and closing abortion clinics through peaceful, legal means. Its activities are on the cutting edge of the abortion issue, taking direct action to stop abortion and ultimately restore legal personhood to the pre-born in obedience to biblical mandates. Click on the image below to support Operation Rescue.


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