
Saturday, August 20, 2016

Please Save Mary's Shelter - Our New Home in Alabama

from Christopher Bell, President
Good Counsel

The call came through to me recently. A special place known as Mary’s Shelter called, pleading for help—without it, they’d have to shut down. Moms and their babies would be turned out with nowhere to go. I had to say yes!

I prayed to God for guidance. I believe He is saying that now is the time to stretch my faith … to trust … and not be afraid.

You see, Mary’s Shelter is located on the Gulf Coast, serving women from Mississippi, Alabama, and the Florida Panhandle. The mothers and babies they’re caring for there are just as precious to God as the mothers and babies are here in the New York area.

Can I count on you to join with me to help rescue moms and save babies in the Gulf Coast?

Your gift today will help turn Mary’s Shelter into Good Counsel Mary’s Shelter Gulf Coast, saving moms and their babies from being turned out into the streets!

I need your prayers. Pray this transition goes smoothly, that the mothers and babies at Good Counsel Mary’s Shelter Gulf Coast won’t have to find another place to stay. Pray God blesses in abundance.

Please, give as generously as you can! Your generosity today will touch the lives of mothers in need and their babies! Thank you for opening your heart once again. God bless you!

Please help Save Good Counsel Mary’s Shelter Gulf Coast by clicking on the image below and making a donation to help these mothers!  


Good Counsel recognizes the dignity of God-given life from the moment of conception, fostering a nurturing, safe family environment, encouraging self-respect and independence for pregnant mothers and their children in a diverse community of all faiths and beliefs.

Through the intercession of Our Lady of Good Counsel and Mary’s Missionaries, The Good Counsel family promotes the Corporal Works of Mercy for mothers and their children, building a network of homes while advancing the Culture of Life across these United States.  For more information, please use this link.  

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