
Friday, August 26, 2016

Remembering the Aborted

by Father Frank Pavone, Priests for Life 
for Breitbart News Daily

What do you do with an aborted baby?

Do you send the child’s body to a power plant where he or she is burned to generate energy?

That’s what was happening when the British Columbia Health Ministry admitted in 2014 that it shipped aborted babies to Oregon, where a “waste-to-energy” plant used them to produce electrical power for a local utility.

Do you store the aborted baby’s remains in the kitchen?

That’s what abortionist Kermit Gosnell did. When investigators raided the now-convicted-murderer’s Philadelphia clinic in 2010 on drug related charges, they found babies’ dismembered feet inside jars and their bodies stashed in milk jugs, orange juice cartons and cat food containers.

Do you sell the baby’s heart, liver and brain for research?

That’s the practice in abortion clinics that has first uncovered in 1997. This year Congress has launched an investigation that is still ongoing.

continue reading at

Fr. Frank Pavone is National Director of Priests for Life. For more information on the National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children, please use this link.

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