
Friday, August 12, 2016

Sidewalk Advocates for Life Invites You to Sponsor a Sidewalk Advocate!

Lauren Muzyka, Executive Director
Sidewalk Advocates for Life

Imagine my surprise when – yesterday morning – I received the following text from our Sidewalk Advocate, Laura...

I am holding Kayson and Katherine ...what miracles they are...

These are precious twins that were saved from abortion several months ago when Laura – responding to God's invitation to speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves – helped their courageous mom choose life!

(Note: Mom gave Sidewalk Advocates for Life permission to share this picture.)

I cannot even begin to tell you the JOY that filled my heart, seeing this picture! 

I suddenly realized: This is what it's all about, right? Hearts changing! Lives saved! Abortion ending one life – or set of twins! – at a time. A momentous opportunity to experience God's victory.

Here's what's even more amazing: This picture shows just TWO of the almost 1,400 precious babies saved from abortion through God's amazing grace since Sidewalk Advocates for Life began just two years ago!

Your support has helped make moments like this possible. God continues to show us that if we say YES to Him – and we persevere – He will show us amazing victories!

That's why the quality of our training and support program at Sidewalk Advocates for Life is monumental. People like Laura who had a call placed on their heart to help mothers-in-crisis and their precious children and end abortion through the power of love ...well, we knew it was our call to equip them for the incredible mission God had put before them. It's our aim to ensure that those who join our program have the the best of the best, tried and true tips and strategies for the sidewalk ...because we know lives and souls are at stake.

Since developing our training package, we have been asking our Sidewalk Advocates: What else do you need to feel even more equipped for your mission on the sidewalk? That's when we put together our first-ever Save Lives on the Sidewalk National Training Conference in Dallas this September where we'll be addressing the top needs and questions of Sidewalk Advocates!

In short, all those in approved locations(see have the ability to join us for this event! (Note: Drop us a line at if you're in an approved area or want to register your city and attend!)

In the meantime, here's where we need your help...

Many want to come to Dallas to get this essential, in-person training to aid their mission on the sidewalk, but they don't have the funds to cover their conference materials. They are already stretched incredibly thin as pro-life volunteers. I can't even begin to tell you how much it's on our heart to make sure that everyone who wants to attend this training has the means to do so with no obstacles in their way.

Will you be an answer to a Sidewalk Advocate's prayers and help sponsor someone for just $50? Or two or three Sidewalk Advocates for $100 or $150? Your gift of support will enable someone who spends time on the sidewalk get the life-saving training they need to take their outreach to the next level!

I know that many of you cannot get out to the sidewalk due to your particular vocation or station in life; in short, this is your opportunity to do just that! Your sponsorship of someone who has the ability to get to the sidewalk to offer women-in-crisis -- who otherwise wouldn't have someone to encourage them in the right direction -- literally helps save lives!

Once again, here's where you can go to make a gift  to sponsor a Sidewalk Advocate:

Thank you so much for your consideration and support! We know this mission doesn't happen without generous hearts like yours, so please know we appreciate it more than we can put into words!

Voices for the Unborn is an e-publication dedicated to informing and educating the public on pro-life and pro-family issues. To read our Mission Statement, use this link. Follow us on FacebookGoogle, and Pinterest. Help spread the word by sharing our articles on your favorite social networks.

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