
Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Texas Christian University Offers School Credit for Internship at Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz

By Kristan Hawkins
Life News

A Lifeway Research study published late last year revealed close to 70% of women who have had abortions claimed to be of the Christian faith. Gallup polling showed the number to be just over half.

Where is the Christian community going so wrong that a substantial majority of their own are feeling they have to have an abortion? Are Christians not talking about other options besides abortion, are they shaming women who have gotten pregnant outside of wedlock, are they ignorant of resources for women facing unplanned pregnancies?

Where would Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry be if Christian women rose up and said, ‘no more, we deserve better than abortion’? The abortion industry would be in crisis mode if that happened.

But they aren’t because of schools like Texas Christian University in Fort Worth, TX, a school obviously upfront about their Christian identity.

TCU is offering an internship program at Planned Parenthood in return for school credit. Interestingly enough, it came through an email from the History department and involves “a project highlighting [Planned Parenthood’s] history in Fort Worth since it was established here in 1935.”

This may be cheating but let’s give the student a head start. Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas (PPGT) was a part of the undercover project from the Center for Medical Progress, which exposed the abortion giant of haggling over the prices of body parts of babies they aborted.

Dr. Amna Dermish is an abortionist for Planned Parenthood in Austin, which is part of PPGT, and she was thrilled to be trained by Dr. Deb Nucatola, the abortionist featured in the first CMP video talking about where she would crush parts of the baby during an abortion to ensure an intact baby body part to sell.

When Dr. Dermish was asked about harvesting a fetal brain, she notes, “I haven’t been able to do that yet,” but exclaims with laughter, “This will give me something to strive for!” Watch the full footage here.

“It is a disgrace for a large Christian university to offer credit for an internship at the largest abortion provider in the nation,” said Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America. “Instead of educating and equipping students on how to persuasively discuss the pro-life viewpoint and help women in crisis, they instead reward students for spending valuable time volunteering for an organization that ends the lives of over 325,000 innocent human beings a year. And just think of the parents who thought their child would be receiving a valuable Christian-focused education at a private school. They are paying over $53,500 a year to be swindled.”

ACTION: Contact TCU officials by going here.


Blogger's note:

How far has TCU, other Christian Universities and public schools fallen into Planned Parenthood's pit of promoting abortion? They target our youth in schools and colleges to continue their deadly mission.  They recruit them through "sex education" and lies and focus on a woman's choice.  The truth is left behind about the killing of unborn babies and the tragic impact on their mothers.  

The Church and the Christian community, for the most part, have been silent on the indoctrination of this evil in our schools and universities.  This silence is robbing our youth of Biblical truths and Christian values while killing this unborn generation. 

Students for Life is making a difference in our nation's schools and colleges. They have 1,000 student groups that meet in high schools and universities. To find out more about their mission and how you can help visit:

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