
Sunday, September 18, 2016

Catholics for Choice 'Woefully' Misrepresent Church Teaching

by Gus Lloyd
Catholic News Agency

Washington D.C., Sep 14, 2016 / 03:01 am (CNA/EWTN News).- After a dissenting Catholic group recently circulated an ad campaign promoting publicly funded abortions, bishops have fired back by reaffirming the Catholic Church’s teaching against abortion and reiterating the value of every human being.
“The recent full-page advertisement in the Star Tribune, paid for by a national group calling themselves ‘Catholics for Choice,’ woefully misrepresents the noble Catholic social justice tradition,” read a Sept. 12 statement from the Minnesota Catholic Conference. 
“The ad itself makes no effort to ground its claims in any authoritative source of the Catholic faith, which is rooted in the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and is proclaimed by the Church,” the statement continued.
Catholics for Choice is a national, pro-abortion organization based in Washington, D.C. which advocates for Catholics who support abortion. Their recent advertisements have focused on promoting publicly funded abortions and have appeared in several papers across the United States, claiming that abortion is a “Catholic social justice value.”

Bishop Steven Lopes, Ordinary of the Personal Ordinariate of The Chair of St. Peter, also reacted to the ad Sept. 12.
“The biggest falsehood in these advertisements is the statement that ‘as a Catholic’ a person can respect and support a decision to kill an unborn person,” Bishop Lopes said. 
“The insinuation that Catholic faith can lead a person to sanction something which is always and everywhere a moral evil is fraudulent, deceitful, and simply wrong.”

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