
Friday, September 30, 2016

Donald Trump Announces Leaders of Pro-life Coalition to Expose Hillary Clinton on Abortion

By Steven Ertelt
Life News

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump today announced the leaders of the new pro-life coalition dedicated to helping him expose the radical pro-abortion position of Hillary Clinton.

The new Coalition of pro-life leaders reads like a who’s who of the pro-life movement with people like Marjorie Dannenfelser, Gary Bauer, Sam Brownback, Alveda King, Father Frank Pavone, Tony Perkins and many others who have been spearheading pro-life efforts for decades. These pro-life leaders all believe Donald Trump will govern as a pro-life president if elected in November.

These co-chairs head the newly created Pro-life Coalition in support of the Trump-Pence ticket. Last week, in a letter made public by Susan B. Anthony List, Trump announced the creation of the coalition and asked pro-life leaders for their support. In the letter, Trump also outlined four pro-life policy commitments.

“National co-chairs of the coalition will communicate Mr. Trump’s pro-life commitments to people in their sphere of influence, speak out in support of the Trump-Pence ticket and, most importantly, recruit state co-chairs for the coalition who will in turn drive the campaign’s pro-life message out to each individual voter,” explained Marjorie Dannenfelser, Chairman of the Pro-life Coalition. 
“Every vote counts. The policies outlined by Mr. Trump are not only important to pro-life base voters, but they appeal to a majority of Americans who oppose Hillary Clinton’s plan to make taxpayers pay for even late-term abortion-on-demand.”
Dannenfelser says Donald J. Trump is committed to:
  • Nominating pro-life justices to the U.S. Supreme Court.
  • Signing into law the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which would end painful late-term abortions nationwide.
  • Defunding Planned Parenthood as long as they continue to perform abortions and reallocating their funding to community health centers that provide comprehensive health care for women.
  • Making the Hyde Amendment permanent law to protect taxpayers from having to pay for abortions.
The Hyde Amendment is longstanding, bipartisan policy to protect the conscience rights of taxpayers by stopping taxpayer funding of elective abortions. Hillary Clinton has pledged to rescind the Hyde Amendment. For the first time, the Party Platform ratified by Democrats this summer explicitly calls for the repeal of this policy.

Read more about Trump's Pro-Life Coalition

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