
Saturday, September 10, 2016

If Hillary Clinton is Elected, It May be 43 More Years Before Roe is Overturned. Here’s Why

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

The future makeup of the U.S. Supreme Court is a key concern for both sides of the abortion debate this election. The next president could have the opportunity to nominate up to four justices to the high court and influence the court’s decisions for years.

But a new article in The Daily Signal points out how the next president’s nominations could affect much more than just the Supreme Court. The president has the power to nominate judges to other federal courts, too, and that power in the hands of pro-abortion Hillary Clinton could keep a challenge to Roe v. Wade and other pro-life cases against abortion from even reaching the U.S. Supreme Court.

Pro-abortion President Barack Obama already has made a huge impact on the courts. The Daily Signal’s Philip Wegmann writes:

When Obama entered the Oval Office, liberal judges controlled just one of the 13 circuits of the U.S. Court of Appeals. Fifty-five successful presidential nominations later, liberal majorities now control nine of those appeals benches, or 70 percent.

Outside of legal circles the transformation of the influential federal appeals courts has gone largely unnoticed, though.

“The Supreme Court grabs the spotlight, but it hears fewer than 100 cases a year,” Texas Supreme Court Justice Don Willett said, “while the 13 federal courts of appeals handle about 35,000.”
More than one-third of the 179 judges on federal appeals courts owe their seat to Obama, Willett told The Daily Signal. “That’s a legacy with a capital L.”

If Clinton becomes president, she could have an even more negative impact on the lower courts, appointing judges who could overturn even moderate, common-sense abortion regulations. Her continuation of Obama’s pro-abortion nominations could sway a huge percentage of lower court decisions for decades, and lead to the loss of millions more unborn babies to abortion.

Clinton promised months ago that she only would nominate judges who support Roe v. Wade and abortion on demand. In February, she revealed that she has a litmus test for judges, and high on her priority list is pro-abortion judges.

“I do have a litmus test, I have a bunch of litmus tests, because the next president could get as many as three appointments,” Clinton said. “It’s one of the many reasons why we can’t turn the White House over to the Republicans again.
“We have to preserve marriage equality. We have to go further to end discrimination against the LGBT community, we’ve got to make sure to preserve Roe V. Wade, not let it be nibbled away or repealed,” she continued.

Clinton’s abortion stance is radical and out of touch with most Americans. In February, she defended the gruesome partial-birth abortion procedure. Then, during an interview on The View recently, Clinton said an unborn child just hours before delivery should have no Constitutional rights. At a presidential forum at Drake University, Clinton called ending the life of another human being a “fundamental human right.”

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has promised to appoint pro-life judges who will protect the right to life for unborn babies.

“We are going to appoint great Supreme Court justices… These will be justices of great intellect… And they will be pro-life,” Trump told pro-life leaders in June.

Trump also released a well-received list of 11 potential Supreme Court nominees — a list pro-life groups hailed for having strong supporters of the Constitution.


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